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Rate = Dividend Rate. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Interest rate and APY may change after account is opened. Rates and APYs effective 1/9/2025.

Fees could reduce earnings. Rates and fees may change without notice. Loan terms are subject to approval.


Military Lending Act Disclosure

Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account: The costs associated with credit insurance premiums, fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account). Please call us at (406) 727-2210 or (800) 721-2242 to receive this disclosure orally.

Peak Rewards Checking Learn More

Balance Rate APY
Balances up to $10,000 3.928% 4.00%
Balances over $10,000+ 0.01% 4.00 to 0.37%
All balances if qualifications not met 0.01% 0.01%

Qualifications to Earn Rewards

Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your Peak Rewards Checking account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle:

  • At least 1 bill pay or ACH payment transaction
  • At least 12 debit card purchases
  • Be enrolled in and review eStatements

And if you don’t meet these qualifications, don’t worry — your account is still free. Plus, you’ll still earn our base rate. And you can get right back to earning your full rewards the very next cycle that you qualify.

Peak Rewards Savings Learn More

Balance Rate APY
Balances up to $10,000 2.960% 3.00%
Balances over $10,000 0.01% 3.00% to 0.28%
All balances if qualifications not met 0.01% 0.01%

Qualifications to Earn the Higher Rate

Qualifying for your Peak Rewards Checking automatically qualifies you for the highest Peak Rewards Savings rate, too. Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your Peak Rewards Checking account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle:

  • At least 1 bill pay or ACH payment transaction
  • At least 12 debit card purchases
  • Be enrolled in and review eStatements

And if you don’t meet these qualifications, don’t worry — your accounts are still free. Plus, you’ll still earn our base rate on Peak Rewards Savings. And you can get right back to earning your full rewards the very next cycle that you qualify.

Checking Accounts

Account Name Rate APY
Bronze Cache Checking 0% 0%
Golden Cache Checking 0%  0%

Savings Accounts

Account Name Minimum Required Opening Deposit Rate APY
Member Savings $25 0.01% 0.01%
Pee Wee Penguin Savings $25 0.01% 0.01%
FYI Savings $25 0.01% 0.01%
IRA Savings $100 0.995% 1.00%
Christmas Club Savings $0 0.995% 1.00%
WINcentive Savings $5 0.01%  0.01%

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 11/2/24.

Money Market Learn More

Balance Rate APY
$0 - $2,499.99 0.698% 0.70%
$2,500 - $49,999.99 0.797% 0.80%
$50,000 - $74,999.99 0.896% 0.90%
$75,000+ 0.995% 1.00%

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 10/1/24. 

Share Certificates Learn More

Term Minimum Required Opening Investment Rate APY
6 month $1000 2.959% 3.00%
7 month $1000 3.445% 3.50%
10 month FYI Share Certificate* $100 5.841% 6.00%
12 month $1000 2.715% 2.75%
18 month $1000 0.847% 0.85%
24 month $1000 2.471% 2.50%
30 month $1000 0.995% 1.00%
36 month $1000 2.227% 2.25%
48 month $1000 1.981% 2.00%

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. No minimum balance is required to earn stated APY. Rates and terms are accurate as of January 9, 2025, and are valid for both share certificates and IRA share certificates. Early withdrawal penalties apply. Fees may reduce earnings. Other rates and terms available.

*FYI share certificate is limited to account holders ages 13 - 17. This share has a minimum opening deposit of $100 and a maximum deposit amount of $1,000.

Penalty for early withdrawal - If you withdraw funds from a share certificate prior to the maturity date, the early withdrawal penalty will be: less than one year = 91 days' dividends; 1-3 years = 182 days' dividends; and greater than 3 years = 365 days' dividends. The time frame is based on the original maturity date at time of purchase. The penalty is calculated as a forfeiture of part of the dividends that have been or would be earned on the account. It applies whether or not the dividends have been earned. In other words, if the account has not yet earned enough dividends or if the dividend has already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal.

Rates effective 01/09/2025.


Auto Loans Learn More

Type Term Fixed Rate (APR) As Low As*
2022 and newer vehicles, not over retail Up to 60 months (OAC) 3.99%
2022 and newer vehicles, not over retail 61 to 75 months (OAC) 4.99%
2022 and newer vehicles, not over retail 76 to 84 months (OAC) 5.99%
2022 and newer vehicles, not over retail 85 to 96 months (OAC)  6.99%
2015 to 2021 Up to 36 months (OAC) 4.49%
2015 to 2021 Up to 60 months (OAC) 4.99%
2015 to 2021 Up to 75 months (OAC) 5.49%
2015 to 2021 Up to 84 months (OAC) 6.24%
2014 and older vehicles Up to 60 months (OAC) 7.99%

*APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective January 9, 2025. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications, and collateral conditions. Payment example based on a $20,000 loan: $590.34 at 3.99% APR with a 36 month term; $310.95 at 4.99% APR with a 75 month term; $292.07 at 5.99% APR with an 84 month term; and $272.57 at 6.99% APR with a 96 month term. Our APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors.

Recreational Vehicle Loans - RV's, Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Boats & Boat Packages Learn More

Type Term Fixed Rate (APR) As Low As*
Recreational (2022 & newer) Up to 72 months (OAC) 7.99%
Recreational (2022 & newer) 73-120 months (OAC) 8.49%
Recreational (2022 & newer) 121-180 months (OAC) 10.49%
Recreational (2015 to 2021) Up to 72 months (OAC) 8.24%
Recreational (2015 to 2021) 73-120 months (OAC) 8.74%
Recreational (2015 to 2021) 121-156 months (OAC) 10.49%
Recreational (2014 and older) Up to 72 months (OAC) 8.99%
Recreational (2014 and older) 73-120 months (OAC) 9.49%
Recreational (2014 and older) 121-144 months (OAC) 10.99%

*APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective June 15, 2023. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. Payment example based on a $20,000 loan: $350.76 at 7.99% APR with a 72 month term; $247.97 at 8.49% APR with a 120 month term; and $221.09 at 10.49% APR with a 180 month term. Our APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors.

Power Sports* Learn More

Type Term Fixed Rate (APR) As Low As*
2022 and newer (Mileage Limitations: motorcycles under 10,000 miles; ATVs under 200 hours; snowmobiles under 3,000 miles.) Up to 48 months 5.99%
2022 and newer (Mileage Limitations: motorcycles under 10,000 miles; ATVs under 200 hours; snowmobiles under 3,000 miles.) 49-60 months 6.49%
2022 and newer (Mileage Limitations: motorcycles under 10,000 miles; ATVs under 200 hours; snowmobiles under 3,000 miles.) 61-72 months 7.49%
2015 to 2021 (Mileage Limitations: motorcycles under 15,000 miles; ATVs under 500 hours; snowmobiles under 5,000 miles.) Up to 48 months 6.99%
2015 to 2021 (Mileage Limitations: motorcycles under 15,000 miles; ATVs under 500 hours; snowmobiles under 5,000 miles.) 49-60 months 7.24%
2015 to 2021 (Mileage Limitations: motorcycles under 15,000 miles; ATVs under 500 hours; snowmobiles under 5,000 miles.) 61-72 months 8.24%
2014 or older or high mileage Up to 60 months 8.99%

*Rates apply to utility and side-by-side ATV's, street-legal motorcycles, snowmobiles, off-road vehicles, and personal watercraft. Rates effective June 15, 2023. APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications, and collateral conditions. Payment example based on a $10,000 loan: $234.85 at 5.99% APR with a 48 month term; $195.66 at 6.49% APR with a 60 month term; and $172.91 at 7.49% APR with a 72 month term. Your APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors.

Trailers Learn More

Type Term Fixed Rate (APR) As Low As*
2021 and newer (flat-bed, horse, car carrier, toy hauler and utility) Up to 24 months 7.99%
2021 and newer (flat-bed, horse, car carrier, toy hauler and utility) 25-48 months 7.99%
2021 and newer (flat-bed, horse, car carrier, toy hauler and utility) 49-72 months 8.49%
2020 and older Up to 48 months 8.49%


*Rates apply to flat-bed, horse, car carrier, toy hauler and utility trailers (no living quarters). APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective June 15, 2023. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications, and collateral conditions. Payment example based on a $3,000 loan: $135.70 at 7.99% APR with a 24 month term; $73.25 at 7.99% APR with a 48 month term; and $53.34 at 8.49% with a 72 month term. Your APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors.

Other Collateral

Type Term Fixed Rate (APR) As Low As*
2022 and newer Up to 24 months 7.99%
2022 and newer 25-48 months 7.99%
2022 and newer 49-72 months 8.49%
2021 and older up to 48 months 8.49%

*Rates apply to skid loaders, tractors, lawn mowers, golf carts or similar. APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective June 15, 2023. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications, and collateral conditions. Payment exampled based on a a $5,000 loan: $226.16 at 7.99% APR with a 24 month term; $122.08 at 7.99% APR with a 48 month term; and $88.90 at 8.49% APR with a 72 month term. Your APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors.  

Home Equity Loans Learn More

Term Rate
Line of Credit 6.99% APR* for the first three years.

*This promotional rate for Home Equity Lines of Credit is effective July 22, 2024. This rate is available for 1st and 2nd lien positions. Please see lender for details.

Mobile Home Loans Learn More

Type Term Fixed Rate (APR) As Low As*
2015 and newer up to 60 months 9.49%
2015 and newer 61-84 months 10.49%
2015 and newer 85-180 months 11.99%
2014 and older up to 60 months 10.49%
2014 and older 61-72 months 11.49%
2014 and older 73-144 months 12.99%

*APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective June 15, 2023. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. To qualify for most favorable rate, mobile homes can be up to 15 years of age. Payment example based on a $40,000 loan: $840.14 at 9.49% APR for a 60 month term; $674.50 at 10.49% APR for a 84 month term; and $480.12 at 11.99% APR with a 180 month term.

Personal Loans Learn More

Loan Type Type Rate
Personal Loan (up to 24 months) Fixed As low as 10.99% APR*
Personal Loan (25-36 months) Fixed As low as 10.99% APR*
Personal Loan (37-48 months) Fixed As low as 11.99% APR*
Line of Credit (Personal) Variable 9.50%**

*APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates effective January 19, 2023. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. Payment example based on a $2,000 loan: $93.20 at 10.99% APR with a 24 month term; $65.47 at 10.99% APR with a 36 month term; and $52.66 at 11.99% APR with a 48 month term. Your APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors.  

**Personal line of credit rate is based on the Wall Street Journal prime rate plus six percent. Rate, terms and conditions are subject to change based on market conditions.

Share Secured Loans

Loan Type Term
Shares Pledged 3% above highest dividend rate

Residential Land Loans

Term Rate
up to 72 months 6.99% APR
73-144 months 7.99% APR

*APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective November 8, 2023. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. Monthly payment example based on a $25,000 loan: $426.16 at 6.99% APR with a 72 month term; $270.54 at 7.99% APR with a 144 month term. Our APR may differ based on your loan amount, repayment method, and other factors. Equal Housing Lender.

Real Estate Loans

First Mortgage Rate
Up to 72 months (Balloon) 4.99% APR
73 to 144 months 5.49% APR
145-180 months 6.49% APR
Second Mortgage Rate
Up to 72 months 5.99% APR
73-144 months 6.49% APR
145-180 months 6.99% APR

*APR is defined as Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective November 8, 2023. Rates are based on an evaluation of your credit history, so your rate may differ. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. Monthly payment example based on a $125,000 loan:  $2,012.70 at 4.99% APR with a 72 month term; $1,187.29 at 5.49% with a 144 month term; and $1088.47 at 6.49% APR with a 180 month term. Equal housing lender.

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